Early Validation by Simulation

Eclipse POOSL (Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language) combines modeling with analysis to make architecture decisions on complex hardware and software systems.

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Evaluate Complex System’s Architecture

Verification of Requirements
Validation of HW/SW Architecture
Analysis of Performance Bottlenecks

POOSL supports discrete-event simulation in the early phases of architecture design,
thanks to functional mock-up validation and performance analysis.

When starting the development of complex systems characterized by hardware and software
components interacting closely with each other, requirements are still unclear
and many decisions have to be taken on the system architecture, the responsibilities,
the behavior and the interactions between these components.

POOSL offers a general purpose method and tool for describing and simulating
complex systems’ architecture for the early evaluation of their key structural
and behavioral aspects, requirements and performance.

Functional Verification

Understand what the customer really wants:
rapid prototyping with formal behavior and static model analysis to validate requirements and early detect modeling mistakes.

Model Simulation

Understand how the architecture will function:
high-performance execution and interactive debugging (control, inspect, observe) to simulate physical systems.

Performance Analysis

Estimate the expected throughput and latency:
focus on critical system behavior, explore trade-offs between multiple design alternatives and interpret the analysis results.


Shorten Development Time

POOSL shortens the development time of complex systems by providing fast insights into requirements and early design decisions, thereby reducing the risk of expensive iterations during design, integration and testing.

Right Abstraction Level

POOSL works at the architecture level without requiring implementation details (source code or hardware) to detect dead lock, verify performance constraints consistency, trade-off the resource allocation on highly parallel execution scenarios.


The POOSL tools have a proven track record with respect to successful application in several high-tech industries, notably ASML, Philips, Vanderlande Industries, Lucent Technologies, Alcatel Bell, IBM Research, Océ Technologies, NXP, Chess, Siemens VDO, and TNO.

User-friendly Tooling

POOSL comes with user-friendly tools with a strong focus on interactive model development and scalable analysis. Light-weight model development and validation is supported by an Integrated Development Environment in combination with a scalable simulator.


POOSL allows easy integration with external visualization and control tools via sockets and files. Various model libraries provide common data structures, stochastic distributions and observers for evaluation of worst/best case and average case performance properties.

Open-Source Project

The POOSL language was developed at Eindhoven University of Technology. The current POOSL tool was developed at ESI (TNO), partly supported by the Allegio and Crystal projects. It is now an open-source project contributed by ESI and Obeo to the Eclipse Foundation, and used on projects such as TRANSACT.

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